The Bronze Serpent



Tuesday, April 16
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM 
Zoom (Registration Required)

The Bronze Serpent: A Symbol of Good and Evil? 

Snake imagery has a long history in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament and the Quran. The serpent is also found in other Near Eastern traditions. Sometimes the serpent represents evil, while other times, such as the Bronze Serpent, it represents good. And why does this snake show up in logos for medical professions? In this session of Making the Familiar Strange, Megan Griffiths, Tri-Faith Initiative’s Mission Advancement Coordinator, will take a deep dive down the rabbit hole of curiosity to explore this particular phenomenon of conflicting meaning.

Readings: Numbers 21:4-9, 2 Kings 18:4, John 3: 14-15, Quran 20:17-21, Quran 7:106-107

Making the Familiar Strange is a monthly interfaith dialogue for people of different religious and nonreligious backgrounds to share meaningful experiences from their traditions. Whether sharing spiritual practices, holiday customs, or favorite stories from scripture, Making the Familiar Strange provides an opportunity to explore shared experiences of spiritual meaning.

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