Come, Join Us
When you contribute to Tri-Faith Initiative, you foster and build understanding, respect, and trust, a daunting challenge and urgent task in our increasingly complex global society. You help promote peaceful co-existence in a world where fear is often the focus.
At Tri-Faith, we build bridges connecting people who need to know and trust each other as neighbors. That’s all of us. And it’s more urgent today than it has ever been.
All of our programs depend on volunteers for their success.
Connect with members of the congregations in regular small group meetups. Neighbor to Neighbor is about connection, fun, and community.
We engage in storytelling, current conversations, community service and play to share rituals, practices, and traditions of the three Abrahamic faiths.
Religious diversity and inclusion in the workplace matters. Learn with us through Religious Other Inclusion (ROI) opportunities.
Now is the time, more than ever in recent history, to bring together people of different backgrounds and traditions — in settings where we discover the power and beauty of our differences and our shared values.
Join Us
By joining our circle of Bridge Builders, you can reach more of our neighbors with this message of connection and hope, bringing more Omahans together. As a Bridge Builder, your gifts actively cultivate trust, empathy, and justice, while dispelling division and hate.